Windows XP can look sexy but displaying all the visual items can waste system resources.
To optimise:
Go to Start
Click Settings
Click Control Panel
Click System
Click Advanced tab
In the Performance tab click Settings
Leave only the following ticked:
Show shadows under menus
Show shadows under mouse pointer
Show translucent selection rectangle
Use drop shadows for icons labels on the desktop
Use visual styles on windows and buttons
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Tips Page Rank t = v1+v2
When you read the title of this post you may be confused, what is the formula t = vi + v2, and what relationship the same traffic link, this is also natural that when I first read the posting one of my friends tito but when I read I understand the new postingannya and found that the formula t = V1 + v2 is also entering thinking, please read the posting continued to better understand this
Copy start here ---------------- ------------------
Please read carefully then apply the correct ....
A philosophy that "Honesty is the Best Policy (Honesty is the political / best strategy)," is what we will buktikan the concept of honesty .... if we can generate traffic and it is more intense popularity of the concept of complex expert webmaster or SEO expert ..?...
I believe this concept can be home run in the correct ..., if this applied to the web at the appropriate conditions so you:
-Your web will be swamped with visitors in traffic extraordinary day by day, without fuss or tired of the SEO campaign any where-tired in the world where the Internet.
-Your web will be inundated backlink follow up day by day, without the need to fuss over hunting link any where place in the Internet world.
If the Albert Einstein equation E = mc2 the potential to combine the speed and light to produce nuclear energy is extraordinary that, then we will be using the equation t = V1 + v2 web potential for me and you to generate web traffic and popularity of extremes too.
If Einstein using plutonium and uranium atom to make a nuclear bomb, then we use Honesty and accuracy to make a bomb and traffic this popularity.
You need to do is follow these steps:
1.Make new posting articles as I post this, or copy-paste this post from the Copy start here until the Finish
and also be entitled: t = V1 + v2, How to increase traffic and popularity quickly and naturally
2-Copy or POWER create a sentence that is below this number 3 on the web you plug in the most easy to see visitors, for example at the top of the sidebar
3-Move or change a link or post the url address (here-1) with the url address you and (here-2) with the URL address of my post
-to know the url address of my post and posts you can make is to click the title / title of the post we made this then copy the address bar to its
Next any posts "POWER sentence" you need to install on the web you (after the change in the url link to its corresponding provisions of the above)
"Want to increase visitor traffic and web popularity you quickly and unlimited ...?...
Let me ..., I will do it for you FREE ...!.. Click here 1 and here 2 "
So, after the sentence in this Power sentence on the web then you: if a visitor to click a link here-1 will link to your post, and if you click here-2 will link to the post ... and so I just keep going eye chain that is not lost like that ...
4-Finish, prepare counter tracker talker and a link for example sitemeter and Technorati to see the results of flooding and traffic web linkback you.
What is t = V1 + t2 ...?
t: Number of traffic that will be acquired in your web in a day
V1: The number of visitors to your web in a day
v2: The number of visitors to the V1 (a visitor from your web visitors) in a day.
For example, my web or your website in one day have an average of 50 people .. visitors, and all of us apply the concept of this (sentence POWER) correctly, and 50 people from each of the 50 people also have visitors from his blog , the web we expect the visit will be 50 plus 50 x 50 people on that day = 2550, and will also likely continue to increase day by day, because every day there are always new visitors in the Internet world, every day there is also a new blogger or web internet in the world ...
For example, our web visitors have 50 people in a day, and all apply this concept, then in the web that day you will get 100 linkback to your website, a link on POWER sentence and a link on the link in my multiply 50. and will likely continue to increase day by day ....
Why should a link in your link and link on my post ...?
... this is to maintain our links eternity, because as we can post a link on a smaller probability erased ....
Can we do not fair or not fair sabotase this concept, for example, "remove all links of origin" and fill in the web / blog ... our own? .... Yes, and this concept will not prove to be a maximum of Honesty is a strategy / political answer ..... But I believe that we all want to throw themselves to the credibility of the action like that bit ...
Done ------------- -------------
So what formula? please want to practice in your blog and hope that this strategy is successful......
Copy start here ---------------- ------------------
Please read carefully then apply the correct ....
A philosophy that "Honesty is the Best Policy (Honesty is the political / best strategy)," is what we will buktikan the concept of honesty .... if we can generate traffic and it is more intense popularity of the concept of complex expert webmaster or SEO expert ..?...
I believe this concept can be home run in the correct ..., if this applied to the web at the appropriate conditions so you:
-Your web will be swamped with visitors in traffic extraordinary day by day, without fuss or tired of the SEO campaign any where-tired in the world where the Internet.
-Your web will be inundated backlink follow up day by day, without the need to fuss over hunting link any where place in the Internet world.
If the Albert Einstein equation E = mc2 the potential to combine the speed and light to produce nuclear energy is extraordinary that, then we will be using the equation t = V1 + v2 web potential for me and you to generate web traffic and popularity of extremes too.
If Einstein using plutonium and uranium atom to make a nuclear bomb, then we use Honesty and accuracy to make a bomb and traffic this popularity.
You need to do is follow these steps:
1.Make new posting articles as I post this, or copy-paste this post from the Copy start here until the Finish
and also be entitled: t = V1 + v2, How to increase traffic and popularity quickly and naturally
2-Copy or POWER create a sentence that is below this number 3 on the web you plug in the most easy to see visitors, for example at the top of the sidebar
3-Move or change a link or post the url address (here-1) with the url address you and (here-2) with the URL address of my post
-to know the url address of my post and posts you can make is to click the title / title of the post we made this then copy the address bar to its
Next any posts "POWER sentence" you need to install on the web you (after the change in the url link to its corresponding provisions of the above)
"Want to increase visitor traffic and web popularity you quickly and unlimited ...?...
Let me ..., I will do it for you FREE ...!.. Click here 1 and here 2 "
So, after the sentence in this Power sentence on the web then you: if a visitor to click a link here-1 will link to your post, and if you click here-2 will link to the post ... and so I just keep going eye chain that is not lost like that ...
4-Finish, prepare counter tracker talker and a link for example sitemeter and Technorati to see the results of flooding and traffic web linkback you.
What is t = V1 + t2 ...?
t: Number of traffic that will be acquired in your web in a day
V1: The number of visitors to your web in a day
v2: The number of visitors to the V1 (a visitor from your web visitors) in a day.
For example, my web or your website in one day have an average of 50 people .. visitors, and all of us apply the concept of this (sentence POWER) correctly, and 50 people from each of the 50 people also have visitors from his blog , the web we expect the visit will be 50 plus 50 x 50 people on that day = 2550, and will also likely continue to increase day by day, because every day there are always new visitors in the Internet world, every day there is also a new blogger or web internet in the world ...
For example, our web visitors have 50 people in a day, and all apply this concept, then in the web that day you will get 100 linkback to your website, a link on POWER sentence and a link on the link in my multiply 50. and will likely continue to increase day by day ....
Why should a link in your link and link on my post ...?
... this is to maintain our links eternity, because as we can post a link on a smaller probability erased ....
Can we do not fair or not fair sabotase this concept, for example, "remove all links of origin" and fill in the web / blog ... our own? .... Yes, and this concept will not prove to be a maximum of Honesty is a strategy / political answer ..... But I believe that we all want to throw themselves to the credibility of the action like that bit ...
Done ------------- -------------
So what formula? please want to practice in your blog and hope that this strategy is successful......
Tips and Trik
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
All Browser Bookmarks Synchronizer

Bookmarks Synchronizer : Transmute is a free bookmark utility that helps you to synchronize bookmarks between web browsers. Transmute can synchronize bookmarks between Firefox, Google Chrome , Opera, Internet Explorer, Safari, Chromium, Flock, SeaMonkey Browser. Just Select the Bookmark Source Browser & the Target browser from the drop down list & click the Export button to start synchronizing . You can choose to export these bookmark in a specific folder or in the root folder of the Targeted Browser.
Transmute 1.08 Website
Download Free Transmute 1.08
Transmute Bookmarks Synchronizer Requires: Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0.
Transmute Bookmarks Synchronizer Related :
Google Chrome Beta
Firefox 3.0 Beta 3
System Utilities
Download Firefox 3.0 Beta 3
Mozilla Firefox 3 is a fast, full-featured browser for Windows that makes browsing more efficient than ever before.
Firefox 3 Beta Additional features include:
* Firefox 3 Live Bookmarks - RSS integration lets you read the latest news
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* Privacy and Security - Built with your security in mind, Firefox keeps your
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have it appear in your browser.
Use the Nightly Tester Tools to make Your Extensions work with Fitefox 3 Beta 3
Firefox 3.0 Beta 3 Website
Download Free Firefox 3.0 Beta 3
Customize your PC,
Opera 9.50

Opera has released their final version of Opera 9.50 . The Opera 9.50 brings some major updates that every one was waiting for. Opera 9.5 is with new super fast browser engine, Opera link to sync bookmarks, new Speed Dial , Notes, Content Search, new Skin, strengthened defense against malware and phishing. more updates: Opera 9.5 for Windows Changelog
Opera 9.50 Website
Download Free Opera 9.50
Customize your PC,
System Utilities
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Pool Sharks

Pool Sharks offers 7 Billiards games in one platform: 4 types of Pool and 3 types of Snooker. Most popular pool games are 8-Ball, where players should pocket all the balls in the selected group , then pocket the Eight Ball to win the game; and 9-Ball, played with 9 balls, numbered 1 through 9, in which the object is to legally pocket the 9-Ball by hitting the lowest numbered ball first. Pool Sharks offers 3 variations of the Snooker game: 1. Full Snooker – with 15 red balls; 2. Short Snooker – with 10 red balls; and 3. Mini Snooker – with 3 red balls.
Pool Sharks Website
Download Free Pool Sharks
Customize your PC,
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Windows 7 Beta

Windows 7 has officially launched for public beta testing. The Windows 7 Beta download is available in ISO file. You need to Burn the ISO file to make a Windows 7 installation DVD. This pre-release version of Windows 7 is available to the first 2.5 million people who download.
Windows 7 Beta Website
Download Free Microsoft Windows 7 Beta (Need Live ID Login)
Windows 7 Beta Related :
Vista Codec Package
Black XP Theme
Customize your PC
Friday, January 9, 2009
Protect Folder With Password

Protect Folder with Password: Folder Lockbox is a security software enabling you to password protect any folder on your computer. The protected folder (lockbox) is hidden from any user and application of your system, including Administrator and System itself. It is impossible to access the lockbox not only from the local computer, but also from the internet.
My Lockbox Website
Download Free My Lockbox
Customize your PC,
System Utilities
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Install Windows XP Using USB Flash Drive.

Please note this tutorial works on all computers.
To complete this tutorial you need a 32bit version of Windows XP or Windows Vista installed on your home PC.
What you'll need:
Download "Install WinXP From USB"
and extract at some folder.
Special Note: If you use the program Nlite be sure to keep the manual installation files as the USB_prep8 script relies on these files.
Extract the files in
The next step is to extract USB_prep8 and PeToUSB.
Next copy the PeToUSB executable into the USB_prep8 folder.
Inside of the USB_prep8 folder double click the executable named usb_prep8.cmd.
The window that opens will look like this:
Press any key to continue
You next window will look like this:
These settings are preconfigured for you all you need to do now is click start.
Once the format is complete DO NOT close the window just leave everything as it is and open a command prompt from your start menu (type cmd in the search bar or run box depending on your version of windows.).
Inside of the command windows go to the directory you have bootsect.exe saved.
(use the cd directoryname command to switch folders)
Now type "bootsect.exe /nt52 R:" NOTE R: is the drive letter for my USB stick if yours is different you need to change it accordingly. What this part does is write the correct boot sector to your USB stick, this allows your PC to boot from the USB stick without it nothing works.
Please note: When running the bootsect.exe command you cannot have any windows open displaying the content of your USB stick, if you have a window open bootsect.exe will be unable to lock the drive and write the bootsector correctly.
If all went well you should see "Bootcode was successfully updated on all targeted volumes."
Now you can close this command prompt (don't close the usbprep8 one by mistake) and the petousb window.
You window you see now should look like this:
If it doesn't try pressing enter.
Now you need to enter the correct information for numbers 1-3.
Press 1 and then enter. A folder browse window will open for you to browse to the location of you XP setup files (aka your cdrom drive with xp cd in)
Press 2 and enter a letter not currently assigned to a drive on your PC
Press 3 and enter the drive letter of your USB stick
Press 4 to start the process.
The script will ask you if its ok to format drive T:. This is just a temp drive the program creates to cache the windows installation files. Press Y then enter.
Once it's done formating press enter to continue again, you can now see the program copying files to the temp drive it created. Once this is done press enter to continue again.
Next you will see a box pop up asking you to copy the files to USB drive yes/no you want to click yes.
Once the script has completed copy files a popup window asking if you would like to USB drive to be preferred boot drive U: select YES on this window.
Now select yes to unmount the virtual drive.
Ok we are done the hard part, close the usbprep8 window.
Now make sure your pc is configured with USB as the primary boot device.
Insert your USB drive and boot up.
On the startup menu you have two options, select option number 2 for text mode setup.
From this point on it is just like any other windows XP installation delete/recreate the primary partition on your pc and format it using NTFS. Make sure you delete ALL partitions and recreate a single partition or you will get the hal.dll error message.
Once the text mode portion of setup is complete it will boot into the GUI mode (you can press enter after the reboot if your too excited to wait the 30 seconds)
Once the GUI portion of setup is complete you will again have to boot into GUI mode this will complete the XP installation and you will end up at you XP desktop. It is very important that you DO NOT REMOVE THE USB STICK before this point. Once you can see your start menu it is safe to remove the usb stick and reboot your pc to make sure everything worked.
This method has advantages over all current no cdrom methods of installing XP to the pc You do not have to copy setup files in DOS to the SSD and install from there. It gives you access to the recovery console by booting into text mode setup, and it gives you the ability to run repair installations of XP if you have problems later on.
System Utilities,
Tips and Trik
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Vista Codec Package

Vista Codec Package 5 : Codecs have always been a pain in the butt. This Vista Codec Package 5 package takes from the best, all the big name creators, several small guys too, and compiles all this into a single Codec pack. All possible conflicts are already dealt with, many user suggested default settings are implemented.
Vista Codec Package 5.0.6 Website
Download Free Vista Codec Package
System Utilities,
Tune Up,
Wallpapers from MSN

Wallpapers from MSN is a wallpaper manager that will check automatically wallpaper updates from microsoft. Wallpapers from MSN includes a more than 50 images you can use as desktop wallpaper. Wallpapers from MSN can add special effects in your image to make a customize wallpaper.
Wallpapers from MSN Website
Download Free Wallpapers from MSN Beta
Customize your PC,
Saturday, January 3, 2009
123 Flash Chat Server 6

123 Flash Chat Server Software is a fast, easy and affordable solution for hosting and managing real-time communication. 123 Flash Chat Server Software allows you to organize chat-events, collaborative work sessions or online meetings. 123 Flash Chat brings you high-performance and rock-solid stability with fast and easy installation on all major operating systems. Even if you have no exprience in Java or Flash, you can install 123 Flash Chat Server software in minutes!
123 Flash Chat Server 6 Website
Download Free 123 Flash Chat Server 6.9.4
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